Friday, May 14, 2010

The 10 best stand-up comedians of all-time

Comedy is a tough business to become a part of. You either start writing it, hit the stage to perform it, or you do both. Stand-up is the cruelest of all the forms that comedy manifests itself. Being a stand-up comedian can be very difficult, as it takes just the right mixture of writing, timing and delivery. Add a live audience that sometimes wants nothing more than to make your life miserable and you can see why being a stand-up comedian is no laughing matter. Unless, of course, you‘re as exceptionally gifted with a microphone in your hand as these ten people are.
10 Denis Leary
He was easily the angriest man in the entire world for a few years in the ’80s and ’90s. While he still may be angry, his recent TV performances can’t hold a candle to his old stand-up. He was so bitter and angry during his routines that it seemed like he was going to jump off stage and punch you in the face. You know how many people have fallen asleep during Leary routines? None, OK. That’s right. ZERO! The man screams like a banshee and smokes like a chimney, OK? Stand-ups were never more acerbic and they rarely got louder than Leary. His album Lock ‘N Load (released in ‘97) was a comedy tour de force. Leary spit jokes out with such vitriol that it looked and sounded like the was going to have a brain aneurysm on stage. He basically went all-in during every performance, and that’s what made him so awesome. That and the Asshole Song.My best shirts
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